SCOV Tennis Dinner Dance! Last chance for tickets is January 20, 2025! Dinner Dance is January 25, 2025 and doors open at 5:00 PM at Catalina Vista. Order tickets online here! If you are unable to buy tickets online, or would like to help out with the dance, call or email Marybeth McAteer at 636-299-7372 –
MIXED DOUBLES ANNUAL TOURNAMENT! The pairings have been announced. Click here to see who is playing and when!
The Mariachi Band is Coming so mark your calendars! The Mariachi Aztlan Band Concert is scheduled for Sunday, February 16, 2025. SCOV Tennis Club Member Advance Ticket sales are available during the Mixed Doubles Social on February 2, 2025. All other ticket sales dates and times click here.
- Wednesday Nite Lites! Upcoming dates to participate are January 29, February 5th and February 26, 2025! Come join the fun. RSVP and more information here.
- Mixed Doubles and Social is Sunday, February 2, 2025. Starts at 1:00 PM and enjoy pizza and salad at 2:45 PM. More info and RSVP here!
- Men’s Doubles Tournament! Mark your calendars, Men’s Doubles Tournament starts Monday, February 10, 2025. Watch for more info on signing up and teams.
- Ladies Round Robin! On February 12, 2025 at 9:00 AM will be Ladies Round Robin. Balls, dessert and drinks provided, but pack your lunchbox ’cause ya have to bring your own lunch! Sign up on the Tennis Court Bulletin Board only!
- SCOV Men’s Interclub Tennis League is currently recruiting players for the upcoming winter league. If you are interested in joining the team, or just getting more information, click here or send a message to
- Spread the Word! Do you know anyone who hasn’t played tennis in a while? Or is just beginning to explore the game? We want them to come out and play! We have set up a time, Tuesday’s at 2:00 PM for anyone who is rusty or would like to learn the game. Rest assured, there will be a SCOV Tennis Club member there to volley, explain the game and offer suggestions! Let’s encourage our friends and neighbors!
- O’ Happy Day! Our Fearless Leader, President Mark Lankes, installed our new tennis court score boards! When you see Mark, give him a big Atta Boy!
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! Congratulations to SCOV Tennis Senior Olympians!
Whoever said, “It’s not whether you win or lose that counts,” probably lost.
—Martina Navratilova