
There are several ways to improve your game.
The SCOV Tennis Club owns two automatic tennis machines available for use by club members. Questions or a request for orientation should be directed to Al Oakland, at (520) 907-2641.

A Tennis Tutor ball machine is available at the Mountain Vista complex and may be checked out any time a court is available. Please be sure to sign out for the machine on the notebook where you will find the machine remote attached.

A Wilson ball machine is also available at the Desert Oasis facility where it can be signed out with the monitor. Both machines run on rechargeable batteries so it is critical that you remember plug them back in after use.

Both machines feature controls for ball speed, frequency, spin, elevation, and horizontal oscillation. Check out the attached pictures for more detail. Club members should plan on an orientation on the use of the machines prior to first use.
Also the club periodically offers clinics to players. Look for upcoming clinics in the News feed on the Home page.